Event InformationMake sure to gather as much information as possible SSi Rep * First Name Last Name Contact Name * First Name Last Name Company or Event Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Schedule Event Start Date * Show date not setup date MM DD YYYY How Many Show Days Soundcheck Times Gate or Door Time Show Start Time Show End Time End time or Duration of Event Venue Select * Indoor Outdoor Venue Address Or name of venue Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Requirements Equipment Needed * Check all that are required Audio Backline Lighting Video Staging Rigging (motors) Power Drapery Audio Ask for list of Bands, Stage Plots, Riders Backline Ask if required and if shared Lighting Requirements, Is haze an issue? Video Screens? LED or Projection? Size? Inputs, how many and what, Cameras? Slide advancers? Recording? Staging Mobile or Platforms? Size, Height, # of Stairs, Skirt on how many sides? Note Safety Railing required on stages over 2ft high. Rigging How Many Points? Weight Restrictions? Building Specs required, Distance to low steel, to high steel, span between steel Power Available Power? Generator Specs/Size? Distance to power? Note 44 KVA is 100amps 3phase. Drapery Size of Room, Height of Ceiling, Color (Black and/or White?) Budget * Ask if they have a budget range Date when quote is required * Thank you!